ILACトロント留学生による語学留学ブログ|I have many problems in Canada!


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I have many problems in Canada!

June 24, 2013

I've already stayed here about for 3 weeks. Everyone may think I was always happy, but it's a mistake.

I have many problems in Canada.


At first, I had to spend about $1,000(about ¥100,000) for my new laptop. Because I couldn't connect internet with my old laptop. I took it with pains from Japan! The laptop itself is $500. However I added some service, for example set up, information etc. So I had to pay more $500. My home stay mom said that was a waste of money. I think so. However I couldn't help it. I don't know about computer. I couldn't understand explanation about service. Because every explanation was in English!

 まずはじめに、新しいノートパソコンを買うのに$1,000(日本円で10万円くらい)かけなくてはいけませんでした。わたしの古いパソコンはインターネットがつながらなかったんです。苦労して日本から持ってきたていうのに!本体自体は$500なのですが、いろいろサービス(セットアップ、インフォメーションサービスなど)を追加 してるうちにもう$500払わなきゃならなくなるはめに・・・。ホームステイのお母さん曰く、お金の無駄だそうです。わたしもそう思いますよ。 でもしかたなかったんです。コンピューターについて知識がないし、サービスについての説明も全部、英語だったんですから。                                                                                                                                            

Second, my international master card got problem. One day, I used ATM, but my card didn't work. I read explanation (of course in English) on the display. I spent much time. Then ATM swallowed my card. I couldn't get back my card!

After I went to the bank with my passport. I explained to a clerk what's happening. She was very kind. She understood what I said, and she gave me my card.




Third, it was happened when I went to Niagara Falls. My Korean friend had to go to the immigration authorities to change her visa. She thought she had to go to the American immigration authorities. So we went to America. However it was a mistake. She had to go to the Canadian immigration authorities. So we went back to Canada. The immigration staff asked me to show our passport. The problem was happened. Because I didn't have my passport.

"Sorry, I don't have"

"Why? Didn't you notice that big caution?"

Then 2 women staff came. One of women said "Show me your Photo ID"

 I took my wallet out to look for my ID, she grabbed it. She felt in my wallet, and then pick out my Japanese driver's license.

"Do you need this?"


"Perfect, I keep it until your friend finish a procedure."

After I could get back my driver's license. However I worried about what I should do if I couldn't go back to Canada seriously.


This picture looks fun! lol
この写真は結構楽しそう 笑