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These days  近況報告

May 28, 2013

Hello! I want to study English, so I'll write my blog in English and Japanese.

I wrote my first blog the other day, but it was just test. I'll try to introduce my these days  today.





room G 送別会2.jpg

This picture is my friends whom had had same class of job trainning for 3 months. The course was children's English teacher training. Job training is public system for unemployments. I had worked for about 5 years, but I quit and took this course. Classmates had each purpose and our age was also each. I had a good experience with them. I decided study abroad, so I could meet them. They had a farewell party for me, because I'm going to leave for Canada soon.





I worked at a hotel's restaurant after that training. Because I had 3 months before I leave for Canada,and I wanted chance to talk with foreigners. So I chose an international hotel. It's very hard work though, I enjoyed. I and my tennis friends went having the dinner at that restaurant yesterday,that maneger served for free. We were really surprised. The maneger said "Because Ohta-san has worked hardly." I was really happy. I had also painful experience though, I was rewarded.





And my best friend's wedding. I said for her "Congratulations!" She said for me."Good luck!" I had a good time. And I could see other friends after a long time.




So I'm leading a full life. But... a little too busy...
