ILACトロント留学生による語学留学ブログ|Daylight saving time ends


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Daylight saving time ends

November 04, 2013

I was a little confused today.

I woke up and checked my cellphone. It said 6 am. It was a little early, so I fell back to sleep. I got up again and checked the cellphone. It said 7 am, but it was something different. It was very right outside. Then, I checked my wrist watch. It said 8 already. "???"


It seems the time is changed every year in Canada during March to November because the length of daylight is completely different between summer and winter. It's light already at 5 am in summer and it still light at 9 pm. And recently it was still dark at 7 am and it was already dark at 5 pm. But it has changed 1 hour later today. It will be changed in March again. I feel I can get extra 1 hour this time, but I will feel I lose 1 hour in March.

My cellphone has switched back automatically.





